Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Sending Love to Tousdale, Oregon

With a heavy heart I am sending every ounce of love and positive energy to those who have been affected by the Tousdale shooting in Oregon.

Brandi Wilson, left, and her daughter, Trisha Wilson, 15, right, embrace Trish Hall, a mother waiting for her student, as students arrived at the Fred Meyer grocery store parking lot in Wood Village, Ore., after a shooting at Reynolds High School Tuesday, June 10, 2014, in nearby Troutdale. A gunman killed a student at the high school east of Portland Tuesday and the shooter is also dead, police said. (AP Photo/Troy Wayrynen)
Image courtesy of Washington Post (Troy Wayrynen/AP)

It truly saddens me each time I hear news of these random school shootings.  The amount of issues to be addressed with these incidents are alarming. What disheartens me the most is the age of these kids who act violently as the shooter in this incident is reported to only be 14 years old, a high school freshman.  A close second to my disheartening is the pain that these children must be in.  Yes, the victims too, but I am specifically speaking of the shooter who also took his own life at the end in a bathroom stall.  It is quite tragic. 

The right to bare arms, the state of mental health care in our country, media exposure of violence, the desensitization of violence in our society... and the laundry list goes on and on. What are we doing to address this problem? It's reported that there have been upwards of 74 of these incidents. I don't recall these things happening when I was a child or teenager. What kind of society are we bringing up our children in? How can we be the change? What can we do to be the change? This is unacceptable.

My prayers go out to all the parents who are dealing with the sadness, pain and worrying of victims of these random acts of violence in this world.  

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